Mar 12, 2010

Our New Baby Boy!

Sorry, I've been slacking on my blog, but here's the reason, and It's a cute one!

We welcomed our new little guy into our family on Monday, March 8th, at 10:07pm. He weighed in at 8 ibs, 7 oz! We were so excited to have a little boy, it evens out the family a little bit! His 3 big sisters, and Big Brother are all excited as well!

Our 'winner' for our guessing game is Samantha! She's an amazing mother of triplets! You go girl! Thanks to everyone who took a guess, and to all my followers.....I promise I'll get back to some awesome posts soon! In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of my little cutie!


  1. Congratulations! We are so happy you ended up with the boy that you wanted and things are going so well.

  2. Congratulations!! He's gorgeous!! Just perfect!

  3. Congrats on your new baby boy... so sweet!!


  4. Just blog-hopping and happily found pictures of your new little prince! Isn't he just the sweetest thing?

  5. That's my birthday. Precious baby boy.
