May 4, 2010

Day 1 and 2

These 2 days were mostly travel days, the First Night we stayed in the small town of Reed Point, Montana. I ran around the entire town 5 times in 29 minutes. No, really, this is not an exaggeration. And, I'm not a very fast runner. Our trip so far has been pretty uneventful (if you don't count 2 kids throwing up in the car, baby diaper blow out, baby spit up, and my hubby dropping the stroller on my head when he was getting it out of the car---I think this was an accident).
The second day we stopped at the Battle at Little Big Horn Monument. You can see my 3 yr old, The Boy, doing Karate Moves in all these photos. I think we can pretty much expect this for the entire summer. He told me "Mom, I'm trying to shoot webs like Spider Man, but I can't shoot real webs." My 8 Year old, Racer, told him, "Oh, that's because Spider Man didn't learn how to shoot webs until he was 12." Of course, this was a perfectly rational explanation for a 3 year old, and I only wondered why I didn't think of it first!

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