Apr 3, 2011

Backwards Birthday Party Pinata!

The Backward Party Pinata! We made it inside out, of course, with the candy on the outside! And on the inside too. The candy on the outside sort of padded the pinata...so it was pretty hard to break! Dad ended up throwing the candy out...but it turned out to be a great picture!
Our other party activities were a backwards relay race; goose, goose, duck; pin the donkey on the tail (where the one furthest away is the winner). We made name tag keychains out of shrinky dinks, where the names were written backwards. The girls loved watching them shrink in the oven! And since they're see-through, the name was printed correctly on the other side!
The we enjoyed upside down cake, and ice cream with the cones on the top, plus soda pop with a straw stuck in the bottom of the can...all under the table! The whole party was fun and easy!

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